Dijital Buradalik Project – KA153 Youth Workers Mobility

DIGITAL PRESENCE is a mobility project for youth workers aligned with the Erasmus + Strategy 2021-2027.
In the project, youth workers’ perception of social presence in online environments will be increased, and collaborative methods that support communication-oriented social gain will be introduced.
The participants will increase their level of skills and key competences and will promote participation in democratic life in Europe and in the labour market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity.


  • To develop the competences of youth workers in institutions and organizations in
    online cooperative teaching
  • To contribute to more peer interaction and peer learning by recognizing and using
    digital communication methods more effectively in informal and non-formal
    education environments.
  • To contribute to raising the total quality and standards of young people’s lifelong
    learning with teaching approaches, methods and techniques that support social
    gains in online learning activities in Distance Education.
  • To develop solution methods for youth workers and young people’s social
    attainment inadequacy factors in online learning activities.
  • To develop the features of interaction and participation types of youth workers in
    online cooperative learning environments, such as analysis, evaluation, and
    inference, which are high-level thinking skills.
  • To ensure that these skills also contribute to the vital skills of young people.


  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Mersin Valiligi – Mersin Governorate Turkey (C)
  • ITC Edustem – Romania
  • Asociatia GEYC – Romania
  • Associazione E.In.E. – Italy
  • PRISMS, Malta
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Technologii Informacyjnych e-Misja – Poland

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